These pictures were taken on this bitterly cold day in January. The sky is that robin's egg blue color that you only see in winter. The light coming through the windows is helping to elevate my mood today, I only wish I could capture it better. This is what I saw:

A freshly made bed with a prayer shawl knitted for me by my mother-in-law and the ladies of her church just before my mom died. The sheets are just a shade or two lighter than the sky outside.
My favorite pair of comfy socks.
Orange and white chocolate chip cookies I made on Monday that are so insanely tasty I'm amazed there are any left.
Two minor indulgences: A vanilla iced coffee and a magazine of recipes.

Lovely, baby. Just lovely.
That bed would make me happy, too. It's lovely. If I were in the bed, with the coffee, the cookies, the comfy socks and the magazine full of recipes, well, I might never leave it. I wouldn't even let the cookie crumbs mar the happy.
MB - If I knew my kids would stay napping right now I'd jump right in.
KS - Thanks Sugarpants.
This post just made me very happy. The pics are gorgeous!
1) Iced coffee on the coldest day of the year? Your crazy!
2) I have socks just like those and LOVE them.
3) The cookies? I need some. Or the recipe :P
4) The bed - looks inviting. How do you keep it so clean?
Must make a mental note never to let you visit my house. I'd be so ashamed!
Those are all lovely. Beautiful pictures too.
Your bed looks like a photo in a magazine. It's lovely and comfy. and those are some good socks.
What a wonderful idea. I may just steal it.
What M Bedhead said.
I am in love with your bedroom furniture - reminds me of a beautiful boutique B&B!
I love duck egg blue too - so much so that I painted a feature wall in our bedroom.
And those cookies - I would be truly happy if you shared the recipe.
And ditto on the food porn! xoxo
Those photos made me happy, thanks. :) A cookie would make me even happier!
I love this idea..It perfect and beautiful to look at.
I agree-that bed looks like one out of a magazine-remind me never to take a pic of mine.
this is great!
what a lovely bedroom. I could just sit there all morning with the sun shining in like that.
Your bedroom! I'm so jealous. It looks like a photo in a magazine.
your bed = perfection
Your bed is beautiful! I keep trying to achieve that look but always get 'close but no cigar'.
I love this post. I hope it did make you feel happy for those lovely things in your life.
Sometimes, comfy socks and cookies are all it takes to make things right with the world. I hope that you find comfort in those that love you (like us...out here.)
I love this. I just love this so much.
Beautiful: the photos, the idea behind this blog, YOU.
Blue is my favorite color, and the blue reflected on your bed is beautiful!
i read cookbooks for sport! your happy things mirror my happy things in a major way. *smile*
I think I may steal this idea, just an FYI. I love it. I also think I'm going to buy a couple of journals this week, and have DH & I write one thing that made us happy that the other did each week. We had a rough '08 (my mom passing away, his mom getting diagnosed with breast cancer which she is battling now) and I think it will help us get happy. Here's to finding Happy in '09.
Those cookies look amazing, they would certainly make anyone happy. Would it make you happy to share the recipe???
I loved this idea, and it got me thinking of the little things in my life that make me happy. As sick as I still was from Lyme, a few months ago I decided to finally paint my bedroom my favorite color. Every time I walk in there, it makes me smile.
Thanks Mrs. C!
Great idea! There's a book called
"10,000 Things to Be Happy About"
with a similar idea - find your happy in the small simple things that make you smile. (It is literally a list of 10,000 things.) When I was down, just a page or two usually got me in a better mood. Worth checking out!
Jennifer Thomas
PS Love your bed! I want to crawl in right now! happy is so the Iced Mocha at McDonald's...It's crack poured into a little plastic container. Miss T has a much happier momma once she's had her fix. Tie that in with my InStyle magazine and I'm in heaven.
The pictures are fab btw. Love the cozy socks. That pic made me smile (with envy of course).
Oh, you know what simple pleasure made me happy today? It's time to sign up for the CSA. I know! I can't wait!
A freshly made bed - it lifts my mood too.
Ohhh you should make this a meme.
(and for the record, looking made me happy)
wonderful things, wonderful thoughts, i've just started something similar with drawing as well as photos. (for the record, having a new set of colored markers is happyfiying too.)
That's your bedroom? That ALONE would make me happy on a daily basis.
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